West African Women Bio Farming Society (SARL) TOGO, this company is incorporated with a strong vision of women farmers’ empowerment & enablement. SARL is imparting the relevant technical skills to the women farmer’s ensuring their self-dependency in the organic agricultural eco system. The society already has a strength of 700 women to whom technical organic agricultural assistance is being provided.

Our Philosophy

As there is huge demand of organic food in the world and many producers are working for it for earnings but the philosophy of West African Women Bio Farming Society (SARL) TOGO is different from others. Here we are not only producing high grade seeds for the society we are also helping generations to become skilled and empower. SARL is making women self-dependent by providing them a best eco system for organic agriculture.

Our Vision & Mission


To develop underdeveloped society by empowering one of the pillars of Society i.e., Women.



– To empower women by using their strength in term of cultivation of grains.

– To engage larger society in the farming for producing best of the seeds and grains.

– To escalate the capacity of producing Soya bean by involving more women farmers by enhancing their technical skills.

– To spread happiness amongst the women farmers.

How we see our Future?


WAWBFS is planning to increase the production capacity of organic soya bean up to 3000 metric ton per month. We are confident and committed to achieve this production capacity with our ethical approach.